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Nothing is more stressful than being unable to see where your next client will come from, and the idea of starting from scratch may appear intimidating.

B2B lead generation requires skill and experience in utilising online platforms as a place to target your approaches. Fortunately, some experts can deliver results fast on your behalf and improve your chances of success.

Many traditional methods of lead generation are still relevant, but the best way to grow your prospects fast is to integrate these strategies with more modern digital approaches.

In this article, we will examine ways to generate leads for your business and identify the advantages of outsourcing lead generation to grow your business fast.

Seven Ways to Generate Leads for Your Business

Successful lead generation is about finding qualified leads with the right qualities to be interested in your product or service that fits the profile of your ideal client. 
Of course, you need to be able to convert those leads for your lead generation to be considered successful. So, here are seven strategies that are vital to successful lead generation.

1. Build Referrals

Forbes found that many B2B marketers say that referrals generate successful leads. This is important since many leads are unsuccessful, and much time is wasted pursuing them.

The great thing about referrals is that satisfied clients will talk about you positively to other businesses they think might be interested. What a great way to identify qualified leads and reduce time wasting.
Your sales team can be vital in securing referrals by including the suggestion to recommend your business when closing the deal.

2. Focus on Excellent Customer Service

Customer service and generating leads are inextricably linked. 
People who already have a relationship with your business and have experienced outstanding service are far more likely to engage with you regarding future sales.
When selling a new product or service, it is far easier to convert an existing happy client. You can automate this process by scheduling follow-up calls to existing users. Never forget that today’s satisfied clients are your future leads.

3. Nurture Your Leads

No matter how well you target your campaigns, some of the leads you generate will be successful, but many will not. It is vital to nurture these unsuccessful leads to ensure that your company is the first one they think about when they are ready to decide.
AI is a great way to nurture leads by automating the process. It can be used to provide key information to prospects across different channels, so you are constantly feeding into their decision-making process.
Digital contact combined with a personal touch is a powerful tool in securing leads.

4. Ensure Your Sales Team is Clued Up

In the digital age, clients do their homework before deciding on a product or service. You can be sure that the key decision-makers in your target market are well informed about what they are looking for and what your competitors are offering.
To build trust, your sales team needs to know enough about the product or service they are selling, their benefits and the advantages over competitors to follow up on leads and successfully convert them. 
If you outsource your lead generation, they must represent your brand seamlessly to give a professional impression in the early stages.

5. Don’t Neglect Your Website

If you think of the sales process as a journey, your website might be one of the early stages. During a prospect’s research stage, they will hopefully land on your website and begin to form an opinion about your brand and your products.
As well as SEO, content quality and relevance are essential. 
After some initial contact on a platform, prospects may search your company. Your content must match the reasons they have landed there.
Remember to include CTAs (Calls to Action) in your content, so you can capture these leads and follow them up.

6. Social Media Platforms

CRM Magazine found that there has been a massive shift to digital-first engagement with prospects.
Your first contact on a platform will create a lasting impression, so consider avoiding generic invites and seek to deliver a personalised approach.
The importance of social media platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn is vast. Indeed, traffic from LinkedIn appears to create the highest conversion rate across all social media platforms. 
Targeting new prospects via LinkedIn that meet your demographic for a particular campaign will lead to a higher conversion rate. 

7. Use an Integrated Approach

When it comes to scaling a business fast, there is no doubt that an Omni approach, where online processes and personal touches are integrated, is more likely to lead to conversion and an excellent ROI.
It is essential to keep connected with prospects across multiple platforms and use data on intent and behaviours to track their preferred channel.

Benefits of Outsourcing Lead Generation

Lead generation is a specialised area of expertise, and lead generation companies can offer a complete service that will deliver excellent prospects for your business that you or your sales professionals can follow up to seal the deal.  They have access to AI, automation and the skills to target prospects based on your ideal client profile. A significant advantage is their ability to generate leads at scale, therefore growing your prospect base much faster than if you work alone. Outsourcing lead generation means they can focus on prospecting, qualification and securing appointments while your team uses their time to finalise deals. This should bring you a better ROI and provide you with an improved pipeline.



If you want to generate more leads for your business, why not contact us at Curral London today? We offer a B2B lead generation service comprising our LinkedIn Prospecting service and Appointment Setting.

We combine various approaches to secure highly qualified leads that meet your target demographic.

We put your brand at the heart of our service to deliver qualified leads that match your target profile.